Thursday, November 8, 2012


Well hello there! I haven't really written much lately because I don't have much time do to...well anything!! I figured you all deserved an update!!

  • I turned 28. I have been waiting for this age for...well 28 years!! As a kid, when I would play "house" I would always say I was 28 (my name was Suzanne Sommers and I was married to Johnny from Dirty Dancing!!). I really think this is going to be my year too. It has already started out so great that I can tell things will get better from here. 
  • I recently got a promotion!! Currently, I work at the front desk at the Couryard in Tysons. From the beginning I wanted to get into Sales. I think I would be great for the job and it is really something I am interested in. Well, I got in!! I am now a Sales Coordinator. Which basically means, I am the admin for the sales department. 
  • I found out my parents were moving. Originally they were supposed to move to Virginia and I had so many emotions I couldn't even think of putting it all into words. I knew something was up when things weren't going as they should...and then it happened....they told me they were staying in Florida. I am honestly bummed. I know that it is what they need to do and where they need to stay but I would have loved to be able to go to their house - any time I wanted. BUT on the good side of things, it is a place for me to visit and for cheap!! They are coming to VA for Christmas so I am very excited about that. And they are coming for 2 whole weeks!!!
  • Marcus and I celebrated out 3 year anniversary in September. We went to Vero Beach, Florida and had the most amazing time!! We went with my mom, dad, Rich, Jen and baby Calvin! We rented a cottage right on the beach which was amazing! It was just such a relaxing vacation and we haven't had one of those since our honeymoon! 

  • I have lost some weight!! I do not eat red meat anymore! I know, I know...its crazy! But it has really worked for me. I will occasionally eat chicken (mainly for the protein) but that's really it. I have tried more things since I started this diet than I ever thought I would. And I don't think I have had anything I didn't like. The problem that I am facing now though...I'll eat pizza (just cheese or veggie), I'll have cheese quesadilla from Taco Bell and other bad things! I am just simply lazy!! It is just so much easier to run to Taco Bell or get delivery...ugh. It is always a struggle. But, things are going to change! You heard it here first! :) 

So that's just a quick update on some things that are happening in my life right now!! I miss writing on here so I will do my best at doing it more. 

Take it easy! 

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