Sunday, January 15, 2012

First week of a new job

Well I survived my first week. I have started a job working with an optometrist. It is so different than what I'm used to. (Obviously!!) But everything about it is different. Even with the patients. I cannot call them by their first name. The Dr thinks its not professional. OK - that's fine but its something I need to get used to. Scheduling patients is different too...there are certain "slots" you put people in. And that depends on age, different types of appointments and what the Doctor wants. Being the new girl stinks too!! I do not mind doing the crap jobs but I am used to fairness. Everyone helps out but again, its all new now.

I am thinking about going back to school too. I am struggling with this because I know I want to get into the medical field but do I want to be a Medical Assistant? Or do I want to get into the Billing and Coding? Or do I want to get into more of the X-ray side of things? I don't know. I thought I knew but so many things have come up since I went to a school earlier this week. Do I base my decision on money or do I base it on something I'll be good at? Who knows! Why is it that decisions are so hard?! I need to do my research - put everything on the table and go from there. That's all I can do and hope that it is the right decision.

I enjoy being off Sundays and Mondays now though. Marcus is off on Mondays so we are able to have a day together which is something new for us but I know we will enjoy it.

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